Welcome to St Stanislaus’ College
Stannies is an independent Catholic day and boarding school for boys from Year 7 to Year 12 with an enrolment of 700 students. Stannies inspires and empowers our students to be good men and strong leaders. The College is one of many around the world directed by the Congregation of the Mission (CM), also known as the Vincentian Order. Founded in 1867, Stannies is proud to build on our over 157 year history in Australia. We believe it is our privilege to continue the work of the teachings of St Vincent de Paul and the Vincentian Charism.

Join us at Stannies
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
Albert Einstein
The consistency of outstanding HSC results for boys of all academic levels continues to be the hallmark of the education at St Stanislaus’ College. The most recent educational research points to a significant change in the skills required for employment by 2030, with the reduction in the need for workers to complete routine, manual tasks and an increase in the time workers spend on solving strategic problems and thinking creatively. As such, Stannies has embarked on a number of programs geared to developing enterprise skills such as problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, communication, digital and financial literacy which are transferable into many employment areas.
Stannies Life
Our Stannies students, both past and present, are the lifeblood of the College. Our Stannies community of parents, families, extended family and College staff are here to support, encourage and celebrate our young men during their time as students at the College.